
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tawas City [pt 1]



Pseudo Starbucks ;)

Going to Tawas City today, again.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


My new-found obsession: Faster Pussycat.

This is an LA formed band from the 80's where Wake Me when It's Over was one of their famous albumns. If you really like the whole Glam Rock/Heavy Metal aspect of Rock and Roll, I suggest listening to these guys. It's like Hanoi Rocks and The Misfits had a baby and created Faster Pussycat. They're soft at times but will then blast the soul of rock 'n' roll in your ears. Also, the clothes they wear... insanely great.

Take a listen (you've heard at least one--Guaranteed):

Don't Change That Song

House of Pain

You're So Vain (remake of Carly Simon's 1972 hit)

Number One with the Bullet


“I have all the characteristics of a human being: flesh, blood, skin, hair … but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust.”

American Psycho (2000)


I'm willing to take this risk.

Unfortunately I'm at work since about 7 am...which sucks, if you haven't already caught on.

I wonder if this comes in an Americano Drip.

Friday, July 29, 2011


U.S. Royalty - Equestrian

seriously U.S. Royalty is a band that I just cannot get enough of. I've been in deep thought and constantly listening to their lyrics; they're amazing. Equestrain is just one of the many songs featured on 'Mirrors' their 2011 album. I suggest you guys check this band out, they're gonna be BIG.

Don't forget, I TOLD YOU SO ;)


Thursday, July 28, 2011


"OK, you're a goon but what's a goon to a goblin?
Nothing, nothing -- you ain't scarin' nothing"

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Some Unholy War

"If I died tomorrow, I would be a happy girl."
Amy Winehouse

"My justification is that most people my age spend a lot of time thinking about what they're going to do for the next five or ten years. The time they spend thinking about their life, I just spend drinking."
Amy Winehouse

"Since I was 16, I've felt a black cloud hangs over me. Since then, I have taken pills for depression."
Amy Winehouse

I still cant get over this; her Funeral was today.

[Find Your Jesus, Find Your] KUBRICK.

Lolita <3

A Clockwork Orange

Barry Lyndon

"I don’t think that writers or painters or film makers function because they have something they particularly want to say. They have something that they feel. And they like the art form: they like words, or the smell of paint, or celluloid and photographic images and working with actors. I dont think that any genuine artist has ever been orientated by some didactic point of view, even if he thought he was.”
— Stanley Kubrick who would have turned 83 yesterday

I just wanna INSPIRE [YOU]

The Hamsa [خمسة ‎]

I'm getting injected with some art this week, and when I say "injected" I mean inked. I've been thinking A LOT about getting the Evil Eye with the Hamsa on my left side and have been inspired by a lot of art work that I've stumbled upon over the past few months of which I'll add some of my artistic ability.

BIO: Hand of Fatima

Also known as the Khamsa, the Hand of Fatima is named for Fatima Zahra, the daughter of Mohammed. It is a very ancient symbol, often used as a talisman, and in the Middle East it is ubiquitous, appearing in houses, shops, in taxis, and hotels. The hand is not really shaped like a normal human hand, but has two balanced thumbs and no little finger.

The hamsa is an ancient Middle Eastern amulet symbolizing the Hand of God. In all faiths it is a protective sign. It brings it’s owner happiness, luck, health, and good fortune.

The eye in its palm wards of the evil eye, so the Hand of Fatima is a double symbol of protection since the palm, held up, is a forbidding gesture. Khamsa actually means five and has relevance for both Muslims and Jews. Peace activists have adopted the Hand of Fatima in recent years; a reminder that the two faiths have many commonly shared beliefs.

I think I've been so attached to this concept of the Evil Eye because my family and culture (Iraqi Christians) believes in it, for one, and because I have seen its affects on people. Matter of fact, when I was born, I was given (and still have)an Evil Eye to protect me.

Here is some inspiration:

From Almost Famous

I REALLY LOVE this small one :D

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Desperately Seeking Susan

Cigarette Girl: Susan! My God, we thought you were dead.
Susan: No, just in New Jersey.

The fashion in this movie is so good; I could live in the 80's, I swear.

Dogtown & Z-Boys

I don't think you can really appreciate something as magical and iconic as what these guys did when reinventing and showing what skating is all about. The passion the guys had for this sport and the way they made kids all over the country at the time feel and inspire them to start skating, or become better skaters; to showcase themselves as individuals with voices that could change the world of skating. Skaters like Jay Adams, Tony Alva (the Chuck Berry, Mick Jagger and Mohammed Ali of skating), Bob Biniak,Paul Constantineau, Jeff Ho,Shogo Kubo, Peggy Oki, and Stacy Peralta.

It was all art. The art of skating, and the art of taking chances. For these guys, it wasn't about the money. Sure, it was nice to get paid in order to pay rent, party, and help family out, but they JUST WANTED TO SKATE.

From the names you see here, you can see that some of these guys made a name out of themselves.

I'm so happy to be part of the skating world. I've been skating since I was 7, riding the classic skateboards. For the past 2 years, I've been longboarding, which really is about the feel of the pavement, the way your body moves and the flow of those movements; the speed one reaches on a board like that--AMAZING.

I suggest the sport, for sure. Try it out!! :)

Also, the Soundtrack for this movie is incredible; all classic rock: