
Sunday, December 11, 2011

25 Foods You’ll Never Be Able To Eat Again...EVER.

1. Crispy M&Ms

Met its tragic, untimely death in the United States in 2005.

2. Pepsi Blue

Discontinued in the US and Canada in 2004.

3. French Toast Crunch

Ripped from grocery store shelves in the US in 2006.

4. Butterfinger BBs

Finished its impressive run in 2006.

5. Sprite Remix

Entered the grocery store of the great beyond in 2005.

6. Surge

The Coca-Cola Company ruined soda forever when they discontinued this fine beverage in 2003.

7. Magic Middles

The turbulent mid-90's took these delicious treats from our needy hands.

8. Ecto Cooler

Despite initially being simply a movie tie-in for 1984's Ghostbusters, Ecto Cooler disappeared in 2001, forever ruining the contents of your lunchbox.

9. 3D Doritos

Apparently the world wasn't ready for 3D snacks in the mid 2000's, and so this product ended its run all too early. I blame Avatar.

10. Crystal Pepsi

This great experiment in color was discontinued in 1993.

11. Squeezits

General Mills ruined snack-time forever in 2001.

12. Waffle Crisp

Has all but disappeared in recent years.

13. Oreo O's

The most delicious cereal of all time met its end in 2007. Except in South Korea!

14. PB Crisps

As the Planters Wikipedia article (very trustworthy) states, these goodies were “discontinued for being too delicious.”

15. Four Loko

The Man killed Four Loko in 2011. RIP FUN.

16. Josta

The first energy drink ever apparently ran out of fuel in 1999.

17. Uh-Oh Oreos

Apparently the product has since been rebranded in 2007… but it will never be the same.

18. Wonder Balls

What's inside a wonder ball? Magic. And Nestle killed magic in 2004.

19. PB Max

Discontinued sometime in the 90's because the Mars family didn't like peanut butter. Seriously.

20. Orbitz

This ground breaking soft drink/floating dots hybrid met its end in 1997. Who cares if it tasted bad, it looked so DAMN COOL.

21. Mountain Dew Black/Livewire

Despite popular DEWmand, these drinks disappeared in 2004, and more recently in 2011.

22. Apple Fig Newtons

These delicious treats have disappeared without much warning in recent years.

23. Gatorade Gum

Gatorade was the first to learn that drinks and gum don't mix so well in the late 90's.

24. Heinz EZ Squirt

There is something just so damn awesome about colorful condiments. Or maybe just so damn gross. Either way, barf ketchup was discontinued in 2006.

25. The Supersize

Phased out of the McDonalds menu in 2004. Just once, just one more time, I'd like to say those wonderful words. And then puke.

Seriously I used to enjoy these things, especially M&M Crisps and Josta, sometimes even together. And Sprite Remix was THE shit, especially when throwing a few Skittles in the mix, YUMMMMM.
Wonderball was something that my brother and I would always get, and as we were opening it we'd sing the song from the commercial, "Wonder wonder what's in a a Wonder Balllll!"--Great times.

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Source: HERE

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