I know it has been a long time of not blogging and following up on anything, but I have been very very busy. I've been traveling, painting, writing, making clothing, discovering new music, working hard at U of M, and all around FINDING MYSELF.
Let me tell you, all of these things that I have been doing have been more than satisfying for my soul. I traveled back home to New York City on my 21st birthday, which was more than AMAZING! Hit multiple bars and clubs ranging from Midtown Manhattan all the way down to Rivington on the Lower East side. I don't think you can compare any city to New York because if it's great melting pot of people, culture, and style.
Shopping in NYC is without a doubt one of the best. You have Haute Couture down one street then bargain shops and street carts loaded with $1-$10 clothes and accessories. But why am I telling you this, you say? Because. Because I think people need to know that NYC may be expensive at times, may have rude people living there, and the cigarettes come close to $15 a pack, but it is filled with the most incredible art, fashion, diverse people, and all around city of great opportunity.
I always get inspired when I go back home to NYC, so much that I came back to boring old Michigan with another new outlook that without a doubt makes me a better person as an artist, student, and individual.
Picture at one of the dive bars (me):

Some Fashion pieces that have inspired me:



Donna Karan

Oscar De La Renta


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